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Spring Awakening!

Flower Power acrylic painting on canvas. Brightly colored flowers of all colors outlined in black on a white background.

I'm awake. Everything is clearer. I feel more inspired and excited to create than I have in years. I have 4 new paintings started and new jewelry designs brewing. I stayed in the studio past dark the other day which is practically unheard of!

Copper sheet cut in the shape of flowers to be enameled in bright colors in the kiln.

Perhaps it's because I let myself get more rest than usual over the winter months. Or maybe the spring equinox and astrology have lined up for it all to happen. Lord knows I've been a bit lost and uninspired. Whatever it is has caused me to feel differently than I ever have about my life and art, the two being completely inseparable for me.

For years I've heard of the book The Artists Way, but the timing was never right to do it in a group which I guess is the best way to go about it. Well, I'm in it now! It's making me aware of so many things. Of all the ways I've blocked myself over the years from being the only thing I want to be. A successful, thriving artist. 

From the outside I'm sure I appear to be doing it already but I assure you I am not.  Not fully. Not in the way I could be. I've been living a very watered down version of my dream. There's so much more that I want that I haven't even thought to aspire to before. Things I believed weren't for me. Limiting beliefs. Chronically low self worth. 

At the same time I fell into work around money. The taboo thing that no one talks about. For me, self worth and income go hand in hand. So I'm choosing more. More than just enough. Because I finally see that I am enough. I am more way than enough. Simply because I am. Insert mind blown emoji here!

As someone who has struggled to stabilize her finances her whole adult life, I'm done. I've hit my threshold for being uncomfortable. I crave stability. I want to have more than enough so that I can make the work I'm meant to. To create the freedom to have the space to make it. 

I no longer think that is too much to ask. Or want. Or say to the universe. 

I've been going about things all wrong. Putting too much pressure on myself to do all the things when I should just focus on the most important thing. Creating from an inspired place. It's that easy. 

It's all coming together in what I'm envisioning as a sweet triangle of growth with art at the top, and spirituality and finances balancing out the bottom. Here it is, in a WIP painting!!

 The beginnings of a painting of a rainbow triangle on a pink background.

 See ya soon! I gotta get back in the studio to make ALL THE THINGS!



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