Hello lovely people!
I've had a busy few months, internally speaking. Have you all heard of The Artist's Way? It's a workbook for breaking through creative blocks. A 12 week group thing that just ended and man was it an eye opener! (A new session is starting with my group leader on the 20th if you want to join. Let me know. I highly recommend it for every person in the whole world).
I often complain about wanting to have more time to make art. To be more prolific and make new work instead of getting sucked into making production pieces just because I know they will sell. It's a common thing for folks like me.
I learned so much about myself, but mostly that I'll do almost anything to avoid making art. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But cleaning house and weeding and ordering cat food often become priorities that take my time away from studio work.
I also figured out that I am a starter but not a finisher. Not just with art, but with everything. I think I have ADHD but that is a whole other thing. Anywho, I've got sooo many unfinished art projects going that it's embarrassing. Stuff from years ago sitting on the bench staring at me. 4 paintings I don't know where to go with next. Lists of things I dream of making and sketches galore.
Realizing how unfocused I am is a big deal. Because now I can change it. I can become a gal that gets shit done! I can prioritize art. It's a choice!
I've started going in the studio at night instead of watching T.V. and in the morning for even 15 minutes before I go to the shop. I set timers now and do mini tasks. If I get distracted I make myself go back and finish something before I start something else. It's so much better. Less going in dizzying circles.
For the first time, maybe ever, I made a whole collection of jewelry on time like I announced to you I would weeks ago. Sweet little floral pieces that will actually launch in spring instead of summer. Forget that I waited until the last minute and then got more ideas of things I won't be able to make in time, and focus instead on the 12 pieces that are ready!
If you aren't on my mailing list, get on it! Be a Daydreamer! You'll get dibs on all the stuff I'm making now that I'm a finisher of things! A follow through-er!
Just look at me go!
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